JavaME jak zwinąć długi tekst w menu głównym


chce stworzyć menu,
menu przykładowe ma, ale przy wypisie dużej liczby słów w jednym wierszu
na emulatorze wiersz się zwija, natomiast w telefonie komórkowym tekst jest skrócony
po zmieszczeniu się ilość znaków, dalej powstają "..." trzy kropki.
a chce, żeby tekst się zwijał, a nie mam pomysłów
oto kod źródłowy

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates    HelloMIDlet
 * and open the template in the editor.
package hello;

import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;

public class HelloMIDlet extends MIDlet {

    private Display              display;
    private int                  mode = List.IMPLICIT;

    private Command exitCommand = new Command( "Exit",
                                   Command.SCREEN, 2 );
    private Command selectCommand = new Command( "Select",
                                       Command.OK, 1 );
    private Command nextCommand = new Command( "Next",
                                   Command.SCREEN, 2 );
    public HelloMIDlet(){

    protected void destroyApp( boolean unconditional )
                   throws MIDletStateChangeException {

    protected void pauseApp(){

    protected void startApp() throws
    MIDletStateChangeException {
        if( display == null ){ // first time called...

    private void initMIDlet(){
        display = Display.getDisplay( this );
        display.setCurrent( new SampleList( mode ) );

    public void exitMIDlet(){

    public static final String[] items = {
        "asdfghjklzxcvfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopFifghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopFifghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopFibnmqwertyuiopFirst", "Second", "Third", "Fourth"

    class SampleList extends List implements
                           CommandListener {

        private int mode;

        SampleList( int mode ){
            super( "", mode, items, null );
            addCommand( exitCommand );
            addCommand( selectCommand );
            addCommand( nextCommand );
            setCommandListener( this );

            switch( mode ){
                case IMPLICIT:
                    setTitle( "Implicit" );
                case EXCLUSIVE:
                    setTitle( "Exclusive" );
                case MULTIPLE:
                    setTitle( "Multiple" );

            this.mode = mode;

        public void commandAction( Command c,
                             Displayable d ){
            if( c == exitCommand ){
            } else if( c == selectCommand ){
                showSelection( false );
            } else if( c == SELECT_COMMAND ){
                showSelection( true );
            } else if( c == nextCommand ){
                if( mode == List.IMPLICIT ){
                    mode = List.EXCLUSIVE;
                } else if( mode == List.EXCLUSIVE ){
                    mode = List.MULTIPLE;
                } else {
                    mode = List.IMPLICIT;

                display.setCurrent( new SampleList(
                                             mode ) );

        private void showSelection( boolean implicit ){
            Alert alert = new Alert(
                       implicit ? "Implicit Selection"
                               : "Explicit Selection" );
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

            if( mode == MULTIPLE ){
                boolean[] selected = new boolean[ size() ];
                getSelectedFlags( selected );

                for( int i = 0; i < selected.length; ++i ){
                    if( selected[i] ){
                        if( buf.length() == 0 ){
                             "You selected: " );
                        } else {
                            buf.append( ", " );

                        buf.append( getString( i ) );

                if( buf.length() == 0 ){
                    buf.append( "No items are selected." );
            } else {
                buf.append( "You selected " );
                buf.append( getString(
                       getSelectedIndex() ) );

            alert.setString( buf.toString() );
            alert.setTimeout( Alert.FOREVER );

            display.setCurrent( alert,display.getCurrent() );

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