Python , modyfikacja gotowego kodu pluginu tv



Nie mogę sobie poradzić z modyfikacją poniższego kodu pluginu odtwarzacza tv online. Co z niego usunąć lub jak zmodyfikować parametry, by ominać tzw. 'premium' lub ustawiony w kodzie limit darmowego oglądania i zapobiec zakończeniu transmisji?

podaję jeszcze znaczenia ważniejszych "współczynników", które występują w kodzie:

57018 - Błąd odtwarzania!
57019 - Przekroczony limit darmowego oglądania lub zbyt duża ilość użytkowników.
57027 - Serwer zamknął połączenie z nie znanych przyczyn! Spróbuj ponownie
57028 - Odtwarzanie wstrzymane
57034 - Informacje o koncie użytkownika
57035 - Twoje konto posiada status premium
57036 - Nie posiadasz konta premium
jeżeli jeszcze są jakieś potrzebne to proszę dać znać

KOD pluginu:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import urllib, urllib2, httplib
import re, sys, os, cgi
import xbmcplugin, xbmcgui, xbmcaddon, xbmc, gui
import threading
import simplejson as json

__scriptID__   = sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__scriptID__
t = sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__language__
__addon__ = xbmcaddon.Addon(__scriptID__)

os.path.join( __addon__.getAddonInfo('path'), "resources" )

login = __addon__.getSetting('username')
password = __addon__.getSetting('userpassword')
multi = __addon__.getSetting('video_quality')
display = __addon__.getSetting('list_display')

#confluence: thumb: 500, biglist: 51, normal 50
#transparency: thumb: 53, biglist: 52, normal: 590

        'confluence': { 'opt1': 51, 'opt2': 50 },
        'transparency': { 'opt1': 52, 'opt2': 590 }

class Settings:
    def __init__(self):

    def showSettings(self):

    def setApiUrl(self):
        return apiUrl

    def setIconUrl(self):
        return iconUrl
    def setViewMode(self, view):
        if view != 'orig':
            for k,v in SKINS.items():
                if k in xbmc.getSkinDir():
                    if view == 'general':
                        xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(" + str(v['opt2']) + ")")
                    elif view == 'other':
                        xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(" + str(v['opt1']) + ")")

class ShowList:
    def __init__(self):

    def decode(self, string):
        json_ustr = json.dumps(string, ensure_ascii=False)
        return json_ustr.encode('utf-8')

    def JsonToSortedTab(self, json):
        strTab = []
        outTab = []
        for v,k in json.iteritems():
            strTab = []
        outTab.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
        return outTab

    def getJsonFromAPI(self, url):
        s = Settings()
        result_json = { "0": "Null" }
            headers = { 'User-Agent' : HOST, 'ContentType' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }
            post = { 'username': login, 'userpassword': password }
            data = urllib.urlencode(post)
            reqUrl = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers)
            raw_json = urllib2.urlopen(reqUrl)
            content_json =
            result_json = json.loads(content_json)
        except urllib2.URLError, urlerr:
            msg = Messages()
            result_json = { "0": "Error" }
            print urlerr
            msg.Error(t(57001).encode('utf-8'), t(57002).encode('utf-8'), t(57003).encode('utf-8'))
        except NameError, namerr:
            msg = Messages()
            result_json = { "0": "Error" }
            print namerr
            msg.Error(t(57009).encode('utf-8'), t(57010).encode('utf-8'))
        except ValueError, valerr:
            msg = Messages()
            result_json = { "0": "Error" }
            print valerr
            msg.Error(t(57001).encode('utf-8'), t(57011).encode('utf-8'), t(57012).encode('utf-8'), t(57013).encode('utf-8'))
        except httplib.BadStatusLine, statuserr:
            msg = Messages()
            result_json = { "0": "Error" }
            print statuserr
            msg.Error(t(57001).encode('utf-8'), t(57002).encode('utf-8'), t(57003).encode('utf-8'))                                            
        return result_json

    def loadChannels(self, url):
        action = 0
        parser = UrlParser()
        params = parser.getParams()
        mode = parser.getIntParam(params, "mode")
        channelsArray = self.JsonToSortedTab(self.getJsonFromAPI(url))
        if len(channelsArray) > 0:
                if channelsArray[0][1] == 'Null':
                    msg = Messages()
                    msg.Warning(t(57001).encode('utf-8'), t(57004).encode('utf-8'))
                elif channelsArray[0][1] != 'Error' and channelsArray[0][1] != 'Null':
                    for i in range(len(channelsArray)):
                        k = channelsArray[i][1]
                        cid = k['cid']
                        name = self.decode(k['channel_name']).replace("\"", "")
                        title = self.decode(k['channel_title']).replace("\"", "")
                        desc = self.decode(k['channel_description']).replace("\"", "")
                        tags = self.decode(k['channel_tags']).replace("\"", "")
                        img = k['channel_image']
                        online = k['channel_online']
                        rank = k['rank']
                        bitrate = k['multibitrate']
                        user = self.decode(k['user_name']).replace("\"", "")
                        image = iconUrl + "no_video.png"
                        if img == '1':
                            image = iconUrl + cid + ".jpg"
                        if online == '2':
                            action = 1
                            action = 0
                        self.addChannelToXBMC(str(mode), str(action), cid, title, image, desc, tags, user, name)
                    s = Settings()
                    if mode == 1:
                        xbmcplugin.addSortMethod(handle = int(sys.argv[1]), sortMethod = xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_VIDEO_TITLE)
            except KeyError, keyerr:
                msg = Messages()
                print keyerr
                msg.Error(t(57001).encode('utf-8'), t(57025).encode('utf-8'))                
            msg = Messages()
            msg.Error(t(57001).encode('utf-8'), t(57004).encode('utf-8'))

    def addChannelToXBMC(self, mode, action, cid, title, img, desc, tags, user, name):
        status = t(57033).encode('utf-8')
        label = title
        if desc == None or desc == '' or desc == 'null':
            desc = t(57016).encode('utf-8')
        if tags == None or tags == 'null':
            tags = t(57017).encode('utf-8')
        if title == '':
            title = name
        if int(action) == 0:
            if display == 'color':
                status = '[COLOR red]' + t(57030).encode('utf-8') + '[/COLOR]'
            elif display == 'gray':
                status = t(57030).encode('utf-8')
        elif int(action) == 1:
            if display == 'color':
                status = '[COLOR green]' + t(57029).encode('utf-8') + '[/COLOR]'
            elif display == 'gray':
                status = t(57029).encode('utf-8')
        if display == 'color':
            label = ' [B]%s[/B]  %s [I]%s[/I] %s [I]%s[/I]    [B]%s[/B] ' % (title, t(57031).encode('utf-8'), name, t(57032).encode('utf-8'), user, status)
        elif display == 'gray':
            label = ' %s %s %s %s %s    %s ' % (title, t(57031).encode('utf-8'), name, t(57032).encode('utf-8'), user, status)
        liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(label, iconImage = "DefaultFolder.png", thumbnailImage = img)
        liz.setProperty("IsPlayable", "false")
        liz.setInfo(type = "Video", infoLabels={ "Title": title,
                                           "Plot": desc,
                                           "Studio": "WEEB.TV",
                                           "Tagline": tags,
                                           "Status": status,
                                           "Aired": user } )
        u = '%s?mode=%d&action=%d&cid=%d&title=%s' % (sys.argv[0], int(mode), int(action), int(cid), urllib.quote_plus(title))
        xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle = int(sys.argv[1]), url = u, listitem = liz, isFolder = False)

class UrlParser:
    def __init__(self):
    def getParam(self, params, name):
            result = params[name]
            result = urllib.unquote_plus(result)
            return result
            return None

    def getIntParam (self, params, name):
            param = self.getParam(params, name)
            return int(param)
            return None
    def getBoolParam (self, params, name):
            param = self.getParam(params,name)
            return 'True' == param
            return None
    def getParams(self, paramstring = sys.argv[2]):
        if len(paramstring) >= 2:
            params = paramstring
            cleanedparams = params.replace('?', '')
            if (params[len(params)-1] == '/'):
                params = params[0:len(params)-2]
            pairsofparams = cleanedparams.split('&')
            param = {}
            for i in range(len(pairsofparams)):
                splitparams = {}
                splitparams = pairsofparams[i].split('=')
                if (len(splitparams)) == 2:
                    param[splitparams[0]] = splitparams[1]
        return param 

class RTMP:    
    def __init__(self):

    def ConnectionParams(self, channel):
        data = None
        if login == '' and password == '':
            values = { 'cid': channel, 'platform': 'XBMC' }
            values = { 'cid': channel, 'platform': 'XBMC', 'username': login, 'userpassword': password }
            parser = UrlParser()
            headers = { 'User-Agent' : HOST }
            data = urllib.urlencode(values)
            reqUrl = urllib2.Request(playerUrl, data, headers)
            response = urllib2.urlopen(reqUrl)
            resLink =
            params = parser.getParams(resLink)
            status = parser.getParam(params, "0")
            premium = parser.getIntParam(params, "5")
            rtmpLink = parser.getParam(params, "10")
            playPath = parser.getParam(params, "11")
            ticket = parser.getParam(params, "73")

            data = { 'rtmp': rtmpLink, 'ticket': ticket, 'playpath': playPath, 'premium': premium, 'status': status }
        except urllib2.URLError, urlerr:
            msg = Messages()
            data = { 'rtmp': None, 'ticket': None, 'playpath': None, 'premium': premium, 'status': status }
            print urlerr
            msg.Error(t(57014).encode('utf-8'), t(57015).encode('utf-8'), t(57003).encode('utf-8'))
        return data
    def GetLinkParameters(self, channel, bitrate):
        dataLink = {}
        valTabA = self.ConnectionParams(channel)
        rtmpLink = valTabA['rtmp']
        ticket = valTabA['ticket']
        playpath = valTabA['playpath']
        premium = valTabA['premium']
        status = valTabA['status']
        if bitrate == '1' and multi == 'true':
            playpath = playpath + 'HI'
        rtmp = str(rtmpLink) + '/' + str(playpath)
        rtmp += ' swfUrl='  + str(ticket)
        rtmp += ' pageUrl=token'
        rtmp += ' live=true'
        print 'Output rtmp link: %s' % (rtmp)
        return { 'rtmp': rtmp, 'premium': premium, 'status': status }

class VideoPlayer(xbmc.Player):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.is_active = True
        print "#Starting control VideoPlayer events#"

    def setPremium(self, premium):
        self.premium = premium
    def getPremium(self):
        return self.premium
    def onPlayBackPaused(self):
        print "#Im paused#"
        self.is_active = False
    def onPlayBackResumed(self):
        print "#Im Resumed #"
    def onPlayBackStarted(self):
        print "#Playback Started#"
            print "#Im playing :: " + self.getPlayingFile()
            print "#I failed get what Im playing#"
    def onPlayBackEnded(self):
        msg = Messages()
        print "#Playback Ended#"
        self.is_active = False
        if self.getPremium() == 0:
            msg.Warning(t(57018).encode('utf-8'), t(57019).encode('utf-8'), t(57020).encode('utf-8'))
            msg.Warning(t(57018).encode('utf-8'), t(57027).encode('utf-8'))
    def onPlayBackStopped(self):
        print "## Playback Stopped ##"
        self.is_active = False
    def sleep(self, s):

class InitPlayer:
    def __init__(self):
    def getChannelInfoFromJSON(self, channel):
        chan = ShowList()
        dataInfo = { 'title': '', 'image': '', 'bitrate': '' }
            channelsArray = chan.getJsonFromAPI(apiUrl)
            for v,k in channelsArray.items():
                if channel == int(k['cid']):
                    cid = k['cid']
                    title = chan.decode(k['channel_title']).replace("\"", "")
                    bitrate = k['multibitrate'] 
                    img = k['channel_image']
                    image = iconUrl + "no_video.png"
                    if img == '1':
                        image = iconUrl + cid + ".jpg"
                    dataInfo = { 'title': title, 'image': image, 'bitrate': bitrate }
        except TypeError, typerr:
            print typerr
        return dataInfo
    def LoadVideoLink(self, channel):
        res = True
        rtmp = RTMP()
        val = self.getChannelInfoFromJSON(channel)
        videoLink =  rtmp.GetLinkParameters(channel, val['bitrate'])             
        if videoLink['status'] == '1':
            if videoLink['rtmp'].startswith('rtmp'):
                liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(val['title'], iconImage = val['image'], thumbnailImage = val['image'])
                liz.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": val['title'], } )
                    player = VideoPlayer()
                    if videoLink['premium'] == 0:
                        msg = Messages()
                        msg.Warning(t(57034).encode('utf-8'), t(57036).encode('utf-8'), t(57037).encode('utf-8'), t(57038).encode('utf-8'))                 
          ['rtmp'], liz)
                    while player.is_active:
                    msg = Messages()
                    msg.Error(t(57018).encode('utf-8'), t(57021).encode('utf-8'), t(57028).encode('utf-8'))
                msg = Messages()
                msg.Error(t(57018).encode('utf-8'), t(57022).encode('utf-8'))
        elif videoLink['status'] == '-1':
            msg = Messages()
            msg.Warning(t(57018).encode('utf-8'), t(57043).encode('utf-8'))
        elif videoLink['status'] == '-2':
            msg = Messages()
            msg.Warning(t(57018).encode('utf-8'), t(57044).encode('utf-8')) 
        elif videoLink['status'] == '-3':
            msg = Messages()
            msg.Warning(t(57018).encode('utf-8'), t(57045).encode('utf-8'))
        elif videoLink['status'] == '-4':
            msg = Messages()
            msg.Warning(t(57018).encode('utf-8'), t(57046).encode('utf-8'), t(57047).encode('utf-8'))  
            msg = Messages()
            msg.Warning(t(57018).encode('utf-8'), t(57042).encode('utf-8'))
        return res

class ThreadPlayerControl(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, command):
        self.command = command
        threading.Thread.__init__ (self)
    def run(self):
        xbmc.executebuiltin('PlayerControl(' + self.command + ')') 
class Messages:
    def __init__(self):

    def Error(self, title, text1, text2 = "", text3 = ""):
        err = gui.Windows()
        err.Error(title, text1, text2, text3)

    def Warning(self, title, text1, text2 = "", text3 = ""):
        warn = gui.Windows()
        warn.Warning(title, text1, text2, text3)

class Handler:
    def __init__(self):
    def run(self, mode):
        s = Settings()
        parser = UrlParser()
        params = parser.getParams()
        url = ""
        mode = parser.getIntParam(params, "mode")
        cid = parser.getIntParam(params, "cid")
        title = parser.getParam(params, "title")
        action = parser.getIntParam(params, "action")
        if mode > 0 and action == None:
            if mode > 0:
                showlist = ShowList()
                if mode == 1:
                    url = apiUrl + "&option=online-alphabetical"
                elif mode == 2:
                    url = apiUrl + "&option=online-now-viewed"
                elif mode == 3:
                    url = apiUrl + "&option=online-most-viewed"
                elif mode == 4:
                    url = apiUrl + "&option=offline-ranking"
                elif mode == 5:
                    url = apiUrl + "&option=all-ranking"
        elif mode > 0 and action == 1:
            if cid > 0 and title != "":
                run = InitPlayer()
        elif mode > 0 and action == 0:
            msg = Messages()
            msg.Warning(t(57005).encode('utf-8'), t(57006).encode('utf-8'), t(57007).encode('utf-8'), t(57008).encode('utf-8'))

Wklej kod na Pastebina, bo będą się denerwować, że tyle do postu wkleiłe

grizz napisał(a):

Wklej kod na Pastebina, bo będą się denerwować, że tyle do postu wkleiłe

aj szlak, faktycznie, przepraszam, ale już nie mogę edytować

(ale coś czuję, że pewnie się nie da tego zrobić, co napisałem w 1 poście)


A dodatkowo kod nie za bardzo "legalny".


Wyświetlenie informacji o przekroczeniu czasu oglądania pojawia się dopiero wtedy, gdy nie można więcej oglądać na danym połączeniu. Jedyna możliwość, że zmiana kodu w tym pluginie spowoduje ominięcie tego zabezpieczenia, jest jeżeli serwer jest na prawdę źle zabezpieczony. Jeżeli twórcy tego serwisu nie są idiotami nic nie da modyfikacja tego kodu.

1 użytkowników online, w tym zalogowanych: 0, gości: 1