Rozpoznawanie tonów C#


Programowaniem zajmuje się hobbistycznie i do tej pory zajmowałem się wyłącznie aplikacjami i stronami o charakterze bazodanowym (na MySQL i plikach txt). Chciałbym poszerzyć swoją wiedzę o tematykę obsługi dźwięku. Jestem krótkofalarzem i bardzo chciałbym stworzyć aplikację kodującą/dekodującą tony DTMF (docelowo STQC).

Nie myślcie że chce żeby ktoś mi robił jakąś aplikację, wręcz przeciwnie, sam chce powalczyć z tym. Byłbym natomiast bardzo wdzięczny za podpórki typu jakich bibliotek się trzymać itp, gdyż poszukać pomocy (przykładów kodu z opisami) na ten temat jest niezmiernie trudno (google kojarzy zapytanie o tony w c# z podręcznikami do muzyki).

Reasumując, potrzebuje zrobić aplikację wyświetlającą liczbę odpowiadającą dźwiękowi w momencie pojawienia się dźwięku (na wejściu mikrofonowym lub wyjściu głośników) i emitującą ton DTMF (na wyjście głośników) odpowiadający liczbie pod butonem przy naciskaniu.


Może biblioteka NAudio..?


Zajrzyj tutaj:

Mam już to, studiuje te kody cały dzień, może jakby ktoś mi to sensownie opisał pomogło by mi to bardzo.

A co do "NAudio", pogooglam na ten temat, może coś wymyślę, byłbym jednak wdzięczny za opis jakbyś ty to widział pod tą biblioteką.


Ponawiam swoją prośbę o opis kodu, coś już jest ale nie potrafię rozgryźć myślenia osoby która to pisała. Pierwszy to podobno detektor, drugi to generator DTMF.


class DtmfDetector
    public const int NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS = 65;
    private char [] pDialButtons = new char[NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS];    
    private short indexForDialButtons = 0;    
    protected const int COEFF_NUMBER = 18;
    protected static short [] CONSTANTS = {27860, 26745, 25529, 24216, 19747, 16384, 12773, 8967, 21319, 29769, 32706, 32210, 31778, 31226, -1009, -12772, -22811, -30555};   
    protected short [] pArraySamples;
    protected int [] T = new int[COEFF_NUMBER];
    protected short [] internalArray;
    protected int frameSize;
    protected int SAMPLES = 102;
    protected int frame_count;
    protected char prevDialButton;
    protected bool permissionFlag;

    protected int powerThreshold = 328;
    protected int dialTonesToOhersTones = 16;
    protected int dialTonesToOhersDialTones = 6;

    short norm_l(int L_var1)
        short var_out;

        if (L_var1 == 0)
            var_out = 0;
            if (L_var1 == -1)
                var_out = 31;
                if (L_var1 < 0)
                    L_var1 = ~L_var1;

                for(var_out = 0; L_var1 < 0x40000000; var_out++)
                    L_var1 <<= 1;
        return var_out;

    protected char dtmfDetection(short [] short_array_samples)
        int Dial=32, Sum;
        char return_value=' ';
        int ii;
        Sum = 0;

        for(ii = 0; ii < SAMPLES; ii ++)
            if(short_array_samples[ii] >= 0)
                Sum += short_array_samples[ii];
                Sum -= short_array_samples[ii];
        Sum /= SAMPLES;
        if(Sum < powerThreshold) 
                         return ' '; 
        for(ii = 0; ii < SAMPLES; ii++)
            T[0] = (int)(short_array_samples[ii]);
            if(T[0] != 0)
                if(Dial > norm_l(T[0]))
                    Dial = norm_l(T[0]);

        Dial -= 16;

        for(ii = 0; ii < SAMPLES; ii++)
            T[0] = short_array_samples[ii];
            internalArray[ii] = (short)(T[0] << Dial);
        goertzelFilter(CONSTANTS[0], CONSTANTS[1], internalArray, T, SAMPLES, 0); 
        goertzelFilter(CONSTANTS[2], CONSTANTS[3], internalArray, T, SAMPLES, 2); 
        goertzelFilter(CONSTANTS[4], CONSTANTS[5], internalArray, T, SAMPLES, 4); 
        goertzelFilter(CONSTANTS[6], CONSTANTS[7], internalArray, T, SAMPLES, 6); 
        goertzelFilter(CONSTANTS[8], CONSTANTS[9], internalArray, T, SAMPLES, 8); 
        goertzelFilter(CONSTANTS[10], CONSTANTS[11], internalArray, T, SAMPLES, 10); 
        goertzelFilter(CONSTANTS[12], CONSTANTS[13], internalArray, T, SAMPLES, 12); 
        goertzelFilter(CONSTANTS[14], CONSTANTS[15], internalArray, T, SAMPLES, 14); 
        goertzelFilter(CONSTANTS[16], CONSTANTS[17], internalArray, T, SAMPLES, 16); 
        int Row = 0;
        int Temp = 0;
        for(ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++)
            if(Temp < T[ii]) 
                Row = ii;
                Temp = T[ii];       

        int Column = 4;
        Temp = 0;
        for(ii = 4; ii < 8; ii++)
            if(Temp < T[ii])
                Column = ii;
                Temp = T[ii];

        for(ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++)
            Sum += T[ii];
        Sum -= T[Row];
        Sum -= T[Column];
        Sum >>= 3;
        if(Sum == 0)
            Sum = 1;
        if(T[Row]/Sum < dialTonesToOhersDialTones) 
                                             return ' ';
        if(T[Column]/Sum < dialTonesToOhersDialTones) 
                                             return ' ';

        if(T[Row] < (T[Column] >> 2)) return ' ';
        if(T[Column] < ((T[Row] >> 1) - (T[Row] >> 3))) return ' '; 
        for(ii = 0; ii < COEFF_NUMBER; ii++)
            if(T[ii] == 0)
                T[ii] = 1;
        for(ii = 10; ii < COEFF_NUMBER; ii++)
            if(T[Row]/T[ii] < dialTonesToOhersTones) 
                                     return ' ';
            if(T[Column]/T[ii] < dialTonesToOhersTones) 
                                     return ' ';

        for(ii = 0; ii < 10; ii ++)
            if(T[ii] != T[Column])
                if(T[ii] != T[Row])
                    if(T[Row]/T[ii] < dialTonesToOhersDialTones) 
                                                   return ' ';
                    if(Column != 4)
                        if(T[Column]/T[ii] < dialTonesToOhersDialTones) 
                                                   return ' ';
                        if(T[Column]/T[ii] < (dialTonesToOhersDialTones/3)) 
                                                   return ' ';
        switch (Row)
            case 0: switch (Column){
                                case 4: return_value='1'; break; 
                                case 5: return_value='2'; break; 
                                case 6: return_value='3'; break; 
                                case 7: return_value='A'; break;}; 
            case 1: switch (Column){
                                case 4: return_value='4'; break; 
                                case 5: return_value='5'; break; 
                                case 6: return_value='6'; break; 
                                case 7: return_value='B'; break;}; 
            case 2: switch (Column){
                                case 4: return_value='7'; break; 
                                case 5: return_value='8'; break; 
                                case 6: return_value='9'; break; 
                                case 7: return_value='C'; break;}; 
            case 3: switch (Column){
                                case 4: return_value='*'; break; 
                                case 5: return_value='0'; break; 
                                case 6: return_value='#'; break; 
                                case 7: return_value='D'; break;}

        return return_value;

    /** Returning of a amount of the striked dial buttons
        public int getIndexDialButtons()
    public int getIndexDialButtons()
	{return indexForDialButtons;}
    /** Returning of an array of the striked dial buttons     
        public char [] getDialButtonsArray()
    public char [] getDialButtonsArray()
	{return pDialButtons;}
    /** Get ready for next array of the striked dial buttons
        public void zerosIndexDialButtons()
        call this function, when previous array of the striked dial buttons is 
        completely processed and you are ready to receiving the 
        next array        
    public void zerosIndexDialButtons()
	{indexForDialButtons = 0;}

            frameSize_ - The frame's size of the 8 kHz input samples
            public DtmfDetector(int frameSize_)
    public DtmfDetector(int frameSize_)
         frameSize = frameSize_;
         pDialButtons[0] = '\0';
         pArraySamples = new short [frameSize + SAMPLES];
         internalArray = new short [SAMPLES];         
         frame_count = 0;
         prevDialButton = ' ';
         permissionFlag = false;         

    // The DTMF detection.
    // The size of a input_frame must be equal of a frameSize, who 
    // was set in constructor.
    public void dtmfDetecting(short [] input_frame)
    {int ii;
     char temp_dial_button;

       for(ii=0; ii < frameSize; ii++)
            pArraySamples[ii + frame_count] = input_frame[ii];

       frame_count += frameSize;
       int temp_index = 0;
       if(frame_count >= SAMPLES)
         while(frame_count >= SAMPLES)
            if(temp_index == 0)
                temp_dial_button = dtmfDetection(pArraySamples);
                short [] tempArray = new short[pArraySamples.Length - temp_index];                
                for(int inc = 0; inc < pArraySamples.Length - temp_index; ++inc)
                    tempArray[inc] = pArraySamples[temp_index + inc];
                temp_dial_button = dtmfDetection(tempArray);

              if(temp_dial_button != ' ')
                pDialButtons[indexForDialButtons++] = temp_dial_button;
                pDialButtons[indexForDialButtons] = '\0';
                if(indexForDialButtons >= 64)
                             indexForDialButtons = 0;
              permissionFlag = false;

            if((temp_dial_button != ' ') && (prevDialButton == ' '))
              permissionFlag = true;

            prevDialButton = temp_dial_button;

            temp_index += SAMPLES;
            frame_count -= SAMPLES;

         for(ii=0; ii < frame_count; ii++)
           pArraySamples[ii] = pArraySamples[ii + temp_index];


    protected int mpy48sr(short o16, int o32)
    {   int    Temp0;
        int    Temp1;
	Temp0 = (((ushort)o32 * o16) + 0x4000) >> 15;
	Temp1 = (short)(o32 >> 16) * o16;
	return (int)((Temp1 << 1) + Temp0);

    protected void goertzelFilter(short Koeff0, short Koeff1, short [] arraySamples, int [] Magnitude, int COUNT, int index)
    {int Temp0, Temp1;
     short ii;
     int Vk1_0 = 0, Vk2_0 = 0, Vk1_1 = 0, Vk2_1 = 0;

            for(ii = 0; ii < COUNT; ++ii)
                    Temp0 = mpy48sr(Koeff0, Vk1_0 << 1) - Vk2_0 + arraySamples[ii];
                    Temp1 = mpy48sr(Koeff1, Vk1_1 << 1) - Vk2_1 + arraySamples[ii];
                    Vk2_0 = Vk1_0;
                    Vk2_1 = Vk1_1;
                    Vk1_0 = Temp0;
                    Vk1_1 = Temp1;                    

            Vk1_0 >>= 10;
            Vk1_1 >>= 10;
            Vk2_0 >>= 10;
            Vk2_1 >>= 10;
            Temp0 = mpy48sr(Koeff0, Vk1_0 << 1);
            Temp1 = mpy48sr(Koeff1, Vk1_1 << 1);
            Temp0 = (short)Temp0 * (short)Vk2_0;
            Temp1 = (short)Temp1 * (short)Vk2_1;
            Temp0 = (short)Vk1_0 * (short)Vk1_0 + (short)Vk2_0 * (short)Vk2_0 - Temp0;
            Temp1 = (short)Vk1_1 * (short)Vk1_1 + (short)Vk2_1 * (short)Vk2_1 - Temp1;
            Magnitude[index] = Temp0;
            Magnitude[index + 1] = Temp1;
  /** Author:       Plyashkevich Viatcheslav <[email protected]>
  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
  All rights reserved.

// Class DtmfGenerator is used for generating of DTMF
// frequences, corresponding push buttons.
public class DtmfGenerator
        public const int NUMBER_BUTTONS = 20;
        static short [] tempCoeff = {27980, 26956, 25701, 24218, 19073, 16325, 13085, 9315};
        int countDurationPushButton;
        int countDurationPause;
        int tempCountDurationPushButton;
        int tempCountDurationPause;
        bool readyFlag;    
        char [] pushDialButtons = new char[NUMBER_BUTTONS];
        int countLengthDialButtonsArray;
        int count;
        int sizeOfFrame;

        short tempCoeff1, tempCoeff2;
        int y1_1, y1_2, y2_1, y2_2;
            FrameSize - The frame's size of the 8 kHz output samples 
            DurationPush - tone's duration (ms)
            DurationPause - pause's duration between tones (ms)
            public DtmfGenerator(int FrameSize, int DurationPush, int DurationPause)
	public DtmfGenerator(int frameSize, int durationPush, int durationPause)
            countDurationPushButton = (durationPush << 3)/frameSize + 1;
            countDurationPause = (durationPause << 3)/frameSize + 1;
            sizeOfFrame = frameSize;
            readyFlag = true;
            countLengthDialButtonsArray = 0;
            That function will be run on each outcoming frame
            public void dtmfGenerating(short [] y);
	public void dtmfGenerating(short []y)
             if(readyFlag)   return;

             while(countLengthDialButtonsArray > 0)
                if(countDurationPushButton == tempCountDurationPushButton)
                    case '1': tempCoeff1 = tempCoeff[0]; 
                              tempCoeff2 = tempCoeff[4];
                              y1_1 = tempCoeff[0];
                              y2_1 = 31000;
                              y1_2 = tempCoeff[4];
                              y2_2 = 31000; 
                    case '2': tempCoeff1 = tempCoeff[0]; 
                              tempCoeff2 = tempCoeff[5];
                              y1_1 = tempCoeff[0];
                              y2_1 = 31000;
                              y1_2 = tempCoeff[5];
                              y2_2 = 31000;                    
                    case '3': tempCoeff1 = tempCoeff[0]; 
                              tempCoeff2 = tempCoeff[6];
                              y1_1 = tempCoeff[0];
                              y2_1 = 31000;
                              y1_2 = tempCoeff[6];
                              y2_2 = 31000;                    
                    case 'A': tempCoeff1 = tempCoeff[0]; 
                              tempCoeff2 = tempCoeff[7];
                              y1_1 = tempCoeff[0];
                              y2_1 = 31000;
                              y1_2 = tempCoeff[7];
                              y2_2 = 31000;                    
                    case '4': tempCoeff1 = tempCoeff[1]; 
                              tempCoeff2 = tempCoeff[4];
                              y1_1 = tempCoeff[1];
                              y2_1 = 31000;
                              y1_2 = tempCoeff[4];
                              y2_2 = 31000;                    
                    case '5': tempCoeff1 = tempCoeff[1]; 
                              tempCoeff2 = tempCoeff[5];
                              y1_1 = tempCoeff[1];
                              y2_1 = 31000;
                              y1_2 = tempCoeff[5];
                              y2_2 = 31000; 
                    case '6': tempCoeff1 = tempCoeff[1]; 
                              tempCoeff2 = tempCoeff[6];
                              y1_1 = tempCoeff[1];
                              y2_1 = 31000;
                              y1_2 = tempCoeff[6];
                              y2_2 = 31000; 
                    case 'B': tempCoeff1 = tempCoeff[1]; 
                              tempCoeff2 = tempCoeff[7];
                              y1_1 = tempCoeff[1];
                              y2_1 = 31000;
                              y1_2 = tempCoeff[7];
                              y2_2 = 31000; 
                    case '7': tempCoeff1 = tempCoeff[2]; 
                              tempCoeff2 = tempCoeff[4];
                              y1_1 = tempCoeff[2];
                              y2_1 = 31000;
                              y1_2 = tempCoeff[4];
                              y2_2 = 31000; 
                    case '8': tempCoeff1 = tempCoeff[2]; 
                              tempCoeff2 = tempCoeff[5];
                              y1_1 = tempCoeff[2];
                              y2_1 = 31000;
                              y1_2 = tempCoeff[5];
                              y2_2 = 31000; 
                    case '9': tempCoeff1 = tempCoeff[2]; 
                              tempCoeff2 = tempCoeff[6];
                              y1_1 = tempCoeff[2];
                              y2_1 = 31000;
                              y1_2 = tempCoeff[6];
                              y2_2 = 31000; 
                    case 'C': tempCoeff1 = tempCoeff[2]; 
                              tempCoeff2 = tempCoeff[7];
                              y1_1 = tempCoeff[2];
                              y2_1 = 31000;
                              y1_2 = tempCoeff[7];
                              y2_2 = 31000; 
                    case '*': tempCoeff1 = tempCoeff[3]; 
                              tempCoeff2 = tempCoeff[4];
                              y1_1 = tempCoeff[3];
                              y2_1 = 31000;
                              y1_2 = tempCoeff[4];
                              y2_2 = 31000; 
                    case '0': tempCoeff1 = tempCoeff[3]; 
                              tempCoeff2 = tempCoeff[5];
                              y1_1 = tempCoeff[3];
                              y2_1 = 31000;
                              y1_2 = tempCoeff[5];
                              y2_2 = 31000; 
                    case '#': tempCoeff1 = tempCoeff[3]; 
                              tempCoeff2 = tempCoeff[6];
                              y1_1 = tempCoeff[3];
                              y2_1 = 31000;
                              y1_2 = tempCoeff[6];
                              y2_2 = 31000; 
                    case 'D': tempCoeff1 = tempCoeff[3]; 
                              tempCoeff2 = tempCoeff[7];
                              y1_1 = tempCoeff[3];
                              y2_1 = 31000;
                              y1_2 = tempCoeff[7];
                              y2_2 = 31000; 
                      tempCoeff1 = tempCoeff2 = 0;
                      y1_1 = 0;
                      y2_1 = 0;
                      y1_2 = 0;
                      y2_2 = 0;
               while(tempCountDurationPushButton > 0)
                 frequencyOscillator(tempCoeff1, tempCoeff2, y, sizeOfFrame);
                 for(int ii=0; ii<sizeOfFrame; ii++)
                   y[ii] = 0;

               tempCountDurationPushButton = countDurationPushButton;
               tempCountDurationPause = countDurationPause;

             readyFlag = true;

             If transmitNewDialButtonsArray return 1 then the dialButtonsArray will be transmitted
             if 0, transmit is not possible and is needed to wait (nothing will be transmitted) 
             Warning! lengthDialButtonsArray must to be < NUMBER_BUTTONS and != 0, if lengthDialButtonsArray will be > NUMBER_BUTTONS
             will be transmitted only first NUMBER_BUTTONS dial buttons
             if lengthDialButtonsArray == 0 will be returned 1 and nothing will be transmitted 
             public int transmitNewDialButtonsArray(char [] dialButtonsArray, int lengthDialButtonsArray) 
	public int transmitNewDialButtonsArray(char [] dialButtonsArray, int lengthDialButtonsArray)
             if(!getReadyFlag()) return 0;
             if(lengthDialButtonsArray == 0)
               countLengthDialButtonsArray = 0;
               count = 0;
               readyFlag = true;
               return 1;
             countLengthDialButtonsArray = lengthDialButtonsArray;
             if(lengthDialButtonsArray > 20) countLengthDialButtonsArray = 20;
             for(int ii=0; ii < countLengthDialButtonsArray; ii++)
               pushDialButtons[ii] = dialButtonsArray[ii];

             tempCountDurationPushButton = countDurationPushButton;
             tempCountDurationPause = countDurationPause;

             count = 0;
             readyFlag = false; 
             return 1;
            Reset generation
            public void DtmfGeneratorReset()
	public void dtmfGeneratorReset()
            countLengthDialButtonsArray = 0;
            count = 0;
            readyFlag = true;
	//If getReadyFlag return 1 then a new button's array may be transmitted
	// if 0 transmit is not possible and is needed to wait 
	public bool getReadyFlag() 
                return true; 
                return false;
        protected int mpy48sr(short o16, int o32)
        {   int    Temp0;
            int    Temp1;
            Temp0 = (((ushort)o32 * o16) + 0x4000) >> 15;
            Temp1 = (short)(o32 >> 16) * o16;
            return (int)((Temp1 << 1) + Temp0);
        protected void frequencyOscillator(short Coeff0, short Coeff1, short [] y, int COUNT)
                int Temp1_0, Temp1_1, Temp2_0, Temp2_1, Temp0, Temp1, Subject;
                short ii;
                Temp1_0 = y1_1;
                Temp1_1 = y1_2;
                Temp2_0 = y2_1;
                Temp2_1 = y2_2;
                Subject = Coeff0 * Coeff1;
                for(ii = 0; ii < COUNT; ++ii)
                        Temp0 = mpy48sr(Coeff0, Temp1_0 << 1) - Temp2_0;
                        Temp1 = mpy48sr(Coeff1, Temp1_1 << 1) - Temp2_1;
                        Temp2_0 = Temp1_0;
                        Temp2_1 = Temp1_1;
                        Temp1_0 = Temp0;
                        Temp1_1 = Temp1;
                        Temp0 += Temp1;
                        if(Subject != 0)
                                Temp0 >>= 1;
                        y[ii] = (short)Temp0;

                y1_1 = Temp1_0;
                y1_2 = Temp1_1;
                y2_1 = Temp2_0;
                y2_2 = Temp2_1;


może być też FMOD


coś już jest ale nie potrafię rozgryźć myślenia osoby która to pisała

Azarien napisał(a)

coś już jest ale nie potrafię rozgryźć myślenia osoby która to pisała

No fakt, dobra poczytałem trochę i postaram się coś spłodzić, jak mi się uda to wstawię.

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